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Unified Command Continues St. Simons Sound Incident Response: Update 5

Response teams assess conditions near the capsized M/V Golden Ray near Brunswick, Georgia, September 16, 2019. The unified command is developing a comprehensive plan to remove pollutants from the vessel and minimize environmental impact.

Response teams assess boom conditions around Bird Island near Brunswick, Georgia, September 16, 2019. Teams are on site assessing and identifying environmental impacts after heavy weather in the area, and ensuring the effectiveness of current strategies. 

Date: 9.16.19 Contact: Joint Information Center (912) 944-7122

Operations for the St. Simons Sound Incident resumed in full today, with teams deploying response equipment and continuing salvage operations. 

“We currently have approximately 160 local, state, and federal responders here to protect public health and the environment.” John Maddox, State On Scene Coordinator.

Additionally, U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter visited the incident command post, from where operations are being directed. He met with the command and various responders, and received a full brief on current operations. 


Specialists are actively monitoring air quality around the vessel and surrounding areas. No impacts on air quality have been detected to date, and a water-quality monitoring plan is being developed. Members of the public are encouraged to monitor the Department of Public Health website for any advisories that may be in effect. 


Response teams are actively canvassing multiple shorelines to identify environmental impacts and ensure boom is optimally deployed. The public should report any oiled wildlife encounters or sightings to the Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research Oil Spill Hotline (800) 261-0980. Additionally, the command is developing a comprehensive plan to remove pollutants from the vessel.


Commercial traffic in the Port of Brunswick has resumed on a case by case basis. A claims number has been established (888) 850-8486 for those who have been affected by the incident. 




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