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Unified Command Continues St. Simons Sound Incident Response: Update 17

Date: 9.30.19

Contact: Joint Information Center (912) 944-7122

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command (UC) continues to respond to the capsized Motor Vessel Golden Ray. Salvage workers continue to lighter the vessel and have removed over 74,000 gallons of fuel as of Sunday evening. 

Skimmers continue to be on standby at the Golden Ray to rapidly respond to any discharges from the vessel. Additional personnel and equipment are strategically staged to respond to any impacted shoreline. Approximately 5,300 feet of boom is currently deployed to protect sensitive marsh areas and survey teams continue to monitor for and respond to shoreline impacts.

“Department of Natural Resources and the entire Unified Command are deeply concerned by any pollution impacts. UC teams are on scene to respond to discharged oil and work quickly and safely to protect the St. Simons Sound,” said Jed Hewitt, Georgia Environmental Protection Division.


The UC is working with local stakeholder groups to track and evaluate reported sightings of oil. Members of the public should not touch oil or attempt to rescue oiled birds or wildlife. They should instead report any sightings of oil to (800) 424-8802 and report any oiled wildlife to (800) 261-0980. 


Specialists continue to actively monitoring air and water quality around the vessel, Jekyll Island, and St. Simons Island. Members of the public are encouraged to visit the Georgia Department of Public Health website or call (844) 863-0325 for public health information and advisories. A 150 yard safety zone exists around the vessel.


A claims number has been established for those affected by the incident (888) 850-8486.


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