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Unified Command Continues Simons Sound Incident Response

Date: 9.11.19 Contact: Joint Information Center (912) 944-7122

The Unified Command continues to respond to the capsizing of the cargo vessel Golden Ray. A safety zone has been established a half-mile mile around the vessel. 4,300 feet of boom has been deployed in designated areas to help contain sheening from the vessel. Currently there are 12 vessels and 179 responders supporting the response. A long-term salvage plan for the vessel is currently being developed.

“The development of a salvage plan will take time and is something we must get right the first time.”       – CMDR. Norm Witt, Federal On Scene Coordinator


The Unified Command is actively monitoring and responding to potential public health issues related to the incident. Please monitor the Georgia Department of Public Health to keep informed of any advisories that may be in effect. No impacts on air quality due to the incident have been detected at this time, and the appropriate crews will continue to monitor the situation.


Minor sheening along the north bank of the Brunswick River and Bird Island has been reported and response teams have been dispatched to minimize further impacts. Approximately 1,200 feet of boom has been deployed near the vessel and 3,100 feet of boom along Bird Island. If the public encounters oiled wildlife, they should report the sighting to the Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research Oil Spill Hotline (800) 261-0980.


The flow of commerce remains a top priority of the Unified Command and a plan to open the port to commercial traffic is being developed. A claims number has been established (888) 850-8486 for those who have been affected by the incident. Currently, the St. Simons port and channel remain closed to commercial traffic.


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