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Unified Command & Joint Information Center Established for St. Simons Sound Incident


Date: 9.11.19 Contact: Joint Information Center (912) 944-7122

A Unified Command and Joint Information Center have been established for the cargo vessel Golden Ray response and salvage efforts.

The Unified Command consists of the U.S. Coast Guard, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Gallagher Marine Systems. Multiple federal, state, local and partner organizations are assisting in the response.

The Unified Command’s operational priorities are ensuring the safety of the public and responders, protecting wildlife and the environment, ensuring economical activities in the area are minimally affected, and the eventual salvage and safe removal of the vessel.

A Joint Information Center (JIC) has been established. The response website is, where media and individuals can subscribe for further updates. Media can also reach the JIC at (912) 944-7122.


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