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Responders continue to prepare to cut and lift the next section of the Golden Ray.

BRUNSWICK, Ga. - Responders continue to prepare to cut and lift Section Eight of the Golden Ray wreck. System maintenance between cutting and lifting operations ensures continued safety and efficiency throughout the entire wreck removal process.

A diver enters the water near the Golden Ray wreck to continue pre-drilling operations to weaken steel along the surface of a projected cut groove. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

Responders at a geographically sensitive site on the Mackay River wash off biological growth that naturally accumulates along the skirts of protective boom. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

A responder stages a new section of protective boom at Bird Island. Maintaining over 20,000 feet of protective boom at 20 sensitive areas is a continuous operation and is critical to ensuring optimal performance of the environmental protection system implemented by the response. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

Responders inspect a section of protective boom at Clam Creek during low tide. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

Responders on the VB-10000 level the lifting blocks in preparation for rigging to Section Eight, the stern of the Golden Ray wreck. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

An aerial diagram showing the wreck of the Golden Ray divided into sections with lifting lugs. After successfully lifting and removing Section One, Responders continue preparations to separate and lift Section Eight, the stern. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

The 150-yard safety zone around the EPB is increased to 200 yards for recreational vessels. The UC advises mariners to please steer clear of the perimeter. Any unauthorized usage of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) around the wreck site is prohibited. Responders will report any sightings of drones and drone operators to local authorities.

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command is the official source of information for the motor vessel Golden Ray response operations.

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